Sunday, December 27, 2009

27 December 2009

The dinner table set with tablecloth from Jim's mom
and beeswax candles made from Jim's dad's beeswax.

Christmas morning buttermilk pancakes!

The holidays have come and gone, and I have been in the kitchen for days it seems! I have not posted a Sunday Supper lately because I have been cooking a lot of holiday meals that seem to fall on other days. Last weekend, I had my entire family down for Sunday brunch. I baked a Coca-Cola glazed fresh ham, salt and pepper cream biscuits, au gratin potatoes, and a German chocolate cake. My sister make sausage balls, green beans and macaroni and cheese. My brother smoked a turkey, and my nieces made hot slaw, death by chocolate, cornbread stuffing, pecan pies and other items. Several members of my family came down the night before, and we stayed up until 4:30 am. We had a blast, but it made for a long day on Sunday – hence the lack of a post last weekend. We spent Christmas Eve with our friends Jeff and Cory. We went to a new Thai restaurant that was good and came back to their house to bake sugar cookies and decorate gingerbread houses, and a fun new holiday tradition was born. Speaking of Christmas traditions, I made scratch buttermilk pancakes for Christmas morning, and they were divine. We went to the North Georgia mountains to have dinner with our friends Steve and Amado, and I made a cream cheese almondine appetizer and baked a Red Velvet cake. Steve made some delicious individual chicken pot pies, and we had a blast. So, that brings me to last night, Boxing Day. During all of the festivities of the past couple of weeks, I really have not had an opportunity to cook a complete meal, so last night we celebrated Christmas with Jeff and Cory with a Boxing Day feast! I roasted a standing rib roast for Cory, Jeff and I and made a roasted chicken over homemade croutons for Jim. For the sides, I made horseradish mashed potatoes and another cream cheese almondine for an appetizer. Jeff and Cory made wok seared green beans and some amazing Parker House rolls. For desert, I made yet another Red Velvet cake. Earlier in the day, I made another German Chocolate cake for Jeff to take to his family Christmas gathering since I had promised his father one over the holidays. All in all, it has been a great, but busy, holiday season in the kitchen. I will try to get back on schedule with my Sunday Supper posts in 2010, and I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday. May the new year bring you joy, good fortune and delicious suppers prepared from the heart!

Boxing Day 2009 – The Menu:

- Standing Rib Roast With Cabernet Au Jus

- Roasted Chicken Over Homemade Croutons

- Yorkshire Pudding

- Horseradish Mashed Potatoes

- Wok Seared Garden Green Beans

- Cream Cheese Almondine With Toasted Baguette

- Parker House Rolls

- Red Velvet Cake


Jim Wilson said...

It was so nice to have my mom's tablecloth and dad's beeswax candles. I remember the tablecloth from my youth (a long time ago).

Of course, the food was fabulous and the clean-up crew (me) did an amazing job getting the kitchen back in order.

BillsSundaySuppers said...

Yes, the cleanup crew did a great job and worked overtime over the holidays! Thank you.

stacycga said...

It all looks amazing as always . how nice the table cloth and candles for you jim and I AGREE the clean up crew always does a amazing job!! love you